At The Apostolic Church, we believe the blessings that God has given us, including the financial ones, are not really ours, but His. In fact, we’re only stewards of God’s resources. And as God’s stewards, all that we have is God’s. So as we’re blessed, we want to be a blessing to others, giving so that the Kingdom of God may be advanced on earth. Below is a prayer our church family often prays to recommit ourselves to giving to The Kingdom of God.

Through clicking on our online giving portal, we create a way that you can invest into God’s Kingdom – whether you want to pay your tithes, give an offering, fulfill your monthly pledge to Global Missions, or contribute to another fund, you can do so online. Also, members can view and make changes to their profile, view and search the church directory, view and join small groups, view church calendar, make pledges, and more.
To setup and/or use the member profile you must have a current email in TAC’s member database. Click on the appropriate icon below to get started. If you have not updated your information in our system or have trouble doing so, please call the church office at 901.872.3558, and speak to T.C. Sheppard.
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