4195 Shelby Rd
The first church, a store front building on the corner of Shelby and Quito Road (Millington, TN), was started in April of 1957 by, Rev. Paul Patterson and Rev. Hazel Simpson. After a few months Bro. Patterson decided Millington was not his calling, but Sis. Simpson’s. She then became the pastor in September of 1957. The church was officially formed and set in order in October of 1957. On February 02, 1961 this church facility burned to the ground.

7996 Wilkinsville Rd
Two weeks after the first church facility burned, the church moved to the old Lions Club building at Third street and Wilkinsville Road (Millington, TN). The church remained at this location until September of 1970.
8190 Wilkinsville Rd
In September of 1970, a larger church was purchased at 8190 Wilkinsville Road (Millington, TN). In just a short time God blessed the church with two Sunday School buses and fifty additional members, but Sis. Simpson still had a dream of a new church building. In 1975 This dream became a reality when the church purchased five acres of land at 4209 Shelby Road, where the first church originated. The Lord had made a promise to His people saying “I have set my name in this place”. In August of 1978, construction began on the new church facility.

4209 Shelby Rd
The first service in this new facility was held on December 24, 1979. In 1982 our school, H.M. Simpson Academy was built. Sis. Simpson went home to be with the Lord in September of 1984, but not before God let her see her dream come true. In June of 1985, Rev. Travis H. Sheppard and family assumed pastorate of our church. In the fall of 1985 we built a new Family Life Center. Under the Leadership of Pastor Sheppard, we have seen many baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. We thank God for blessing us with a wonderful Pastor and family.

Name Change
In February of 2012, The church board voted to change the name of the local assembly from “First United Pentecostal Church of Millington” to “The Apostolic Church”, and was ratified by the church congregation unanimously. On April 10, 2019, the church board and church congregation unanimously voted to adopt “The Apostolic Church of Millington, Incorporated” as the official and legal name of this assembly. We are affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church Int’l. We are a 501c3 non-profit organization.