4360 The Cuticura Corporation
George Robert White was a man whose God-given beliefs made him both a material and a spiritual millionaire at thirty as he built a small soap manufacturing plant in Boston into the multimillion-dollar Cuticura Corporation. He did this in spite of giving away a large part of his net profits to charity. He gave nothing for the spreading of the Gospel.
In 1952, Dr. Samuel M. Best said in This I Believe: “Since Mr. White’s death, I have endeavored as his successor to adhere to his code of ethics. Two dollars out of every three dollars profit earned by our corporation is shared with others in helping to make our nation a better place in which to live … for the advancement of medicine and science, for chemical research, for art and beauty.” But he made no effort to support the work of God.
There is no mention of our Lord’s great commission—of the spreading of the gospel. Perhaps that is why, despite their 2/3 of their profit giving, there is no longer a Cuticura Corporation in existence. Today the remaining Cuticura products are manufactured and sold by the Campana Corporation of Batavia, Illinois.
The sustained faithful giving of a large percentage of income money does not of itself guarantee continued success and God’s blessing with riches. There are many businesses which were founded and built up by faithful Christians who once gave richly to God’s evangelical causes—businesses which have capitulated to the humanist causes of their next-generation leaders.