What to expect on your first visit:
Because we love receiving guest (and members alike), we do our best to be excellent hosts. When you come in the front door before the service begins there will be someone to greet you and to welcome you. We are honored by your visit and would like to get to know you better and how we can best minister to you and for this reason we will get your information at our welcome center. If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to ask a hostess or an usher at the welcome center. We are here to serve you.
We believe strongly in worship. We have a wonderful music team whose purpose is to lead the congregation in praise and worship. You will often see people lifting their hands, clapping, or even running or dancing. We believe in giving God our all, and worship is one of the primary ways we express this. Prayer We believe in prayer. At some point during the worship service, we take time to pray over needs of those in our church family and the needs of others. If you have a special need in your life and would like to receive prayer directly from our pastor and ministry, you are welcome (though certainly not required) to come to the front when invited to do so.
Preaching and Altar Call
We believe in the preaching of God’s Word. After the worship service the minister is introduced. Those involved in our preaching ministry spend a great deal of time in prayer seeking God’s will for each service and for ways to best minister to those who will hear. At the conclusion of the message, we give an “altar call” in which we invite all those who would like to pray to receive something from God to come to the front of the church around the altars. It is here that God often moves in a beautiful way and lives are changed.
At the conclusion of the service, our members often stay to talk with one another. We view our church as more than a building to come to a few times each week. We are truly a family, and as such, we enjoy spending time together. We often have dinners and other special events after services, during which we spend time talking and enjoying each other’s company.When we do not have a planned activity after the service, however, we frequently visit a restaurant in town to enjoy dinner and fellowship. You are always invited to join us.